the beginning.

“Beginnings always hide themselves in ends”.

Currently this quote - white writing, black background - is my phone home screen. I changed it there almost 18 months ago, when my life was starting to turn a huge corner. Giant, massive, life transforming…. a move across Europe back to the motherland. Except now 18 months later the corner does not seen to have ended; you know those curves in roads that seem to go forever and you wished you had slowed down at the arrows and obeyed the clever road architects and their instruction.

The past 18 months have included the following: saying goodbye to a home of 6 years, trying to pack 6 years of stuff into exactly 3 suitcases and 2 boxes - with a armchair and coffee table bubbled wrapped and put in a van alongside, a month of jobs interviews and house hunting with 4 hour long drives across country, moving to a college for a month, then my friends dining room and finally to my tiny perfect little studio in the clouds…starting a job, then getting signed off on mental health leave, a staggered and slow return, hope of a return to normality and then finally this global pandemic which ground us all to a halt.

A weird, scary giant pause button on life. Furloughed and back at my parents for 3 months, a heavenly countryside no commitment existence. International law introduction courses for fun to stay occupied and settling into my Dads wonderfully structured work day.

Now I am back in my perfect little flat. Still furloughed for the foreseeable and not 100% sure on what to do with all this time..and thus birthed this website/ blog/ space for my thoughts. A reboot of an old slightly forgotten wordpress one (see History) and once again a stream of thoughts through keys onto this pleasingly clean page. I wish I could do this through some fancy hipster type-writer contraption. However, I now have inherited my Nana’s old typewriter - which I adore - but each time I use it, I am acutely aware of the bashing of keys and loud ‘ting’ that accompanies the beautiful old contraption; which in an old house with 7 ‘apartments’ and thin thin walls might make me an enemy to my neighbours rather than a friend.

So this is the beginning, hiding itself in a potential end. I do not know what the next few months hold, but something has 100% ended. And this little space has begun. Welcome.

Find out more about me in the about section - obviously - non of you are that inept at navigating a simple squarespace site - especially if you found this one, which as far as I know may never be visited by anyone.

I will write about my life, who knows for how long or what part of it exactly but I will write - I am promising myself at least that.



Mountains added to corners